
Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Movie Review: Battle of the Damned

Battle of the Damned
Starring: Dolph Lundgren, Melanie Zanetti, Matt Doran, David Field, Jen Kuo Sung, Lydia Look, Oda Maria
Director: Christopher Hatton
Bleiberg Entertainment, Compound B, Boku Films, Vividthree Productions, BOTD Productions, USA & Singapore, 2013
Major Max Gatling (Dolph Lundgren) is a tough mercenary who has to get a rich man's daughter out of a zombie-infested Asian city. The mission goes bad and most of his group gets eaten. Max continues the mission alone. He finds the girl, named Jude (Melanie Zanetti) who tells about other survivors living in a big mansion. The leader of the survivors is Duke (David Field) who thinks it is impossible to leave the city.
Dolph as Major Max Gatling
Everyone wants a piece of Max
Other survivors are Jude's boyfriend Reese (Matt Doran), swordsman Elvis (Jen Kuo Sung), jogging enthusiast Lynn (Lydia Look) and Anna (Oda Maria) who is kind of Duke's secretary. Max tries to kidnap Jude and take her out of the city, but Duke captures him and ties him to a lamp post. Max tells that it is vital to leave the city before the officials destroy the whole city to destroy the infected. 
Elvis, Jude, Max, Duke and Reese
Max can fight zombies without using arms
Jogging enthusiast Lynn
Luckily Max is so tough that he can kill zombies even handcuffed. Reese saves Max to get Jude out of the city. Then the Japanese utility robots appear. There was an earlier movie directed by Christopher Hatton "Robotropolis" that had robots malfunctioning and revolting. Well, some of the robots repaired themselves and walked to the zombie city. Max and Reese find out that the robots are very handy in killing zombies.
Duke with Anna
Sligthly worn robots
Max's with his new best friend
The setting is a bit like Resident Evil and Escape from New York combined. Much of the action happens in narrow alleys or scrap yards. Dolph plays the usual tough guy role, Melanie Zanetti is fun as witty Jude. The movie is okay zombie action film but the plot takes the usual route.
Melanie Zanetti as Jude
Fierce zombie gang
Rating: Average

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