
Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Movie Review: The Last of the Vikings

The Last of the Vikings (L'ultimo dei Vikinghi)
Starring: Cameron Mitchell, Edmund Purdom, Isabelle Corey, Hélène Rémy, Andrea Aureli, Mario Feliciani, Aldo Bufi Landi, Carla Calò, Corrado Annicelli, Nando Tamberlani, Nando Angelini, Piero Gerlini, George Ardisson 
Director: Giacomo Gentilomo (and Mario Bava uncredited)
Tiberius Film, Critérion Film, Galatea Film, Les Films du Cyclope, Italy, France, 1962.
This movie is published as a part of Warriors 50 movie pack box published by Mill Creek Entertainment. 

The vikings raid a ship of ambassador from Denmark travelling to Sveno, the King of Norway. The vikings do not believe that there is a king in Norway. They take the diplomats as prisoners and also loot some kegs of beer. Harold (Cameron Mitchell) and his little brother Guntar (George Ardisson) are waiting to see his father Sigurd after ten years. However no-one is there to welcome them. Old man (Nando Tamberlani) tells that Sveno (Edmund Purdom) has killed Sigurd. Because Sigurd was killed without a weapon in his hand, his soul can not enter Valhalla before his death is avenged. 
Cameron Mitchell
Harold on his ship
Corrado Annicelli
Vikings capture ambassador Godrun
Cameron Mitchell and George Ardisson
Harold and Guntar
Guntar and his friend Lorig (Benito Stefanelli) meet Haakon (Andrea Aureli) in the forest. He will come meet Harold later at Viken with his men. Haakon's wife Herta (Carla Calò) would like him to be the ruler. So Haakon's wife is acting like Lady Macbeth. Harold makes a blood oath to kill Sveno. 
Benito Stefanelli
Carla Calò and Andrea Aureli
Herta and Haakon
Nando Angelini and Edmund Purdom
Simon and King Sveno
Haakon says to Harold that Sveno is too strong and has a sturdy castle. Creepy King Sveno wants his cousin Hilde (Isabelle Corey) to marry a Danish king to seal the alliance between Sveno and Denmark. Hilde is not happy with the idea and she talks with her friend Erika (Hélène Rémy) who reveals to have known Harold's family since child. Sveno waits the envoy and reinforcements from his allies in Denmark. 
Isabelle Corey and Hélène Rémy
Hilde and Erika
Piero Lulli
Hélène Rémy
Vikings fight Sveno's men in the forest. Vikings celebrate the victory and Guntar is the hero of the battle. Sveno's commander Hardak (Piero Lulli) was captured, and Haakon tortures him. Vikings know now that Sveno is waiting for the Danish diplomats. The vikings disguise as Danish ambassadors. Londborg (Aldo Bufi Landi) comes along as Harold's aide. Harold, disguised as Danish prince Ragmar falls in love with Hilde. 
Isabelle Corey
Hilde falls in love with Harold
Cameron Mitchell
Harold disguised as prince Ragmar
VIkings hanging out
The vikings get some important information about the defences of the castle. However Haakon releases the real Danish ambassador Godrun (Corrado Annicelli) for his own causes. Guntar wants to go to castle to save Harold, but other vikings do not believe that the escaped ambassador will survive in the wilderness. Guntar does not trust Haakon, and he asks Lorig to spy on him. Guntar rides alone to save Harold but is captured. 
Aldo Bufi Landi and Cameron Mitchell
Londborg and Harold negotiate
George Ardisson
Guntar wants to warn Harold
Harold saves Hilde, who is attacked by a bear. He is quite an axe-thrower for a Danish prince. However Harold thinks that Hilde should also die because she is Sveno's relative. Erika recognises Guntar and reveals that she also wants to kill Sveno. Erika asks Harold not to hurt Hilde. Hilde says she would give her throne for a true love. 

The "Danish" diplomats are leaving, and taking Hilde with them. Sveno's right-hand man Simon (Nando Angelini) wants to be sure that Ragmar does not seduce Hilde during the sea voyage. Prince Ragmar must stay in Sveno's castle until the alliance is secured. He agrees but plans to escape at night. As the "Danish" set sail, they rip their disguises and start drinking beer. Hilde is shocked to be the hostage of vikings. Also Harold is shocked, when he sees his brother crucified in dungeon. His day gets worse when Godrun arrives in the castle and blows Harold's cover. Harold fights the guards and rushes to save Guntar. They escape through a hole in wall. 
Sveno has captured Guntar
Meanwhile Haakon has taken power and detains Londborg. Guntar does not survive the escape and dies. Guntar goes back to Viken and punishes the traitor. Harold wants to drive Hilde away, but Hilde wants to stay. However soon Sveno's men kill Erika and capture Hilde. The vikings attack the castle using a siege tower and burning logs. The end battle is actually quite spectacular. The vikings save Hilde and Sveno dies grasping the throne. 
The old wise man (Nando Tamberlani)
Cameron Mitchell and Isabelle Corey
Harold and Hilde finally kiss
The end battle
This is a film that would benefit from a good restoration. Vikings yell Odin when going to battle, have wild parties and drink a lot of beer. Mario Bava's touch is evident in couple of dark and bloody scenes. Edmund Burke is fun as an over-the-top evil king who rubs his hands constantly. The movie is an entertaining viking adventure.

Rating: Good

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