
Thursday, August 6, 2015

Movie Review: Dragon Crusaders

Dragon Crusaders
The Asylum, USA, Wales, 2011. 
Dragon Crusaders title
Pirates attack a village in Britain. Templar Knights hiding from King Edward witness the attack. [Historical note: King Edward II ordered the suppression of the Templars in 1308 after the order was accused of heresy] The knights are leader John the Brave (Dylan Jones), witty archer Eldred the Strong (Feth Greenwood), pessimistic Sigmund (Tony Sams), young Maldwyn (Simon Lloyd-Roberts) and some others. Although they are fugitive, they decide to help the villagers. Pirates are trying to loot the castle but warrioress Aerona (pocket-sized martial arts champion Cecily Fay) guards it effectively. 
Arrr! says the pirate
Dylan Jones
John the Brave
Cecily Fay
The surviving pirates kidnap mysterious girl Neem (Shinead Byrne). Neem casts the Curse of Anathor that causes collateral damage. The knights and the pirates will turn into gargoyles. As the knights are good they will not change immediately. Only Gerald (Gary Crosbie) who was left to guard the village stays unchanged although he has not long time left to enjoy it. Gerald turns into a zombie. Soon the forest is full of undead pirates and villagers. 
Feth Greenwood
Shinead Byrne
The knights and the ladies have to travel North to meet evil sorcerer Black Dragon (Steve McTigue) to remove the spell. Also Neem stole a spell book from the Black Dragon and the sorcerer sends Calvain (Christian Howard) and gargoyles to get it back. Luckily there are some friendly witches along the way to help.
The heroes investigate the spell book
Simon Lloyd-Roberts
The Black Dragon
Filmed in Wales in nice castle locations and with local actors. Cecily Fay also sings the Celtic songs in the movie. Also the other of the female stars can sing and has performed in musicals. Here's Shinead Byrne singing:

Compared to "Dragonquest" the effects are much better. Actually the movie is a major step for the Asylum, as it is quite seriously made medieval adventure. As an professional athlete Cecily Fay can fight convincingly but the budget limits the credibility of the other action scenes. Also the pirate ship looks quite modern. There is also some bad editing, but it gets better near the end. However fun characters and decent story outweigh the flaws. This is an enjoyable fantasy B-movie with brave knights, pretty ladies and big dragons. One of the Asylum's best films to date.

Rating: Good (for a low budget fantasy film)

Starring: Dylan Jones, Cecily Fay, Feth Greenwood, Shinead Byrne, Tony Sams, Simon Lloyd-Roberts, Charles Barrett, Christian Howard, Gary Crosbie, Ambrose Flemming, Mark Richard Hayes, Mike Lockley, William Huw, Kathy Francis, Iona Thonger, Steve McTigue, Carys Eleri, Nia Ann, Paul Jame, T. Barrie Clarke, Jason Davey, Chris Hunt, Joe Ormond, Andrew Powell, Paul Roberts, Neill Scullard, Ian Walker, Aneurin William, Rhodri Williams, Jason Beeston, Anthony Dawson, Sally Dawson, Dylan Kennedy, Andrew S. Mason, Melissa Zeta Nortcliff, Matt Saxon, Chris Shortmen, Dennis Carr, Pat Coope, Tom Dawson, Han, Celyth Jones, Sara Lois Jones, Gary Pritchford, Peter Smith, Gwyneth Davies, Carys Jones, Sherry Jones, Gwyneth Thomas, Alys Parry Jones, L. James, Emma Hanks, Ann Owen, Hugh Owen, Rebecca Owen, Nick Rukin, Emma Baury. Connor Evans. Dafydd Griffths. Lara Hesketh, A. Jackson-Andrew. Abigail Jones. Glyn Jones. O.A. Jones. Owain Jones. Lucas Kirby. Lorenne Kinnear. Gemma Lawman. Amber Wynne-McGerrin, Olga Mendel, Ian Morris 
Director: Mark Atkins


  1. Löytää se aikainen matokin joskus sokean jyvän... vai miten se ny meni. :D

    1. Jotenkin nuo Brittiyhteistyönä tehdyt Asylumit tuntuvat astetta paremmilta, tosin otos ei ole suuren suuri. Ehkä se on se aksentti ;)


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