
Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Movie Review: Erotikon (1920)

Erotikon (1920) a.k.a Bounds That Chafe a.k.a Just Like a Man a.k.a Seduction a.k.a When We Are Married 
Svensk Filmindustri, Sweden, 1920. 
Erotikon (1920) title
Based on the 1917 play "A kék róka" by Ferenc Herczeg. 

Let's continue with the last film of "Svenska Stumfilmsklassiker" six silent movie DVD collection!

Professor Leo Charpentier (Anders de Wahl) is married to Irene (Tora Teje). Irene has affair with airplane pilot Baron Felix (Vilhelm Bryde). Sculptor Preben Wells (Lars Hanson) has a crush on Irene. Supposedly Preben has an affair with his model (Greta Lindgren). Professor's niece Marthe (Karin Molander) gains the attention of male students. Professor has a crush on his niece (!), a mutual crush (!!)
Karin Molander and Anders de Wahl
Marthe and Leo
Tora Teje
Lars Hanson
Preben Wells
Romantic comedy hijinks ensue. There is also a ballet performance "Schaname" (oh well, more like a play) with music by Kurt Atterberg. The ballet mirrors the secret feelings of the film's characters. Some mistaken identities cause a mess that moves the plot forward. As Preben is more jealous of Irene than Leo, who is really cheating whom? Will it turn into a comedy or tragedy?
Greta Lindgren
Preben's model
Vilhelm Bryde
Baron Felix
Ballet performance "Schaname"
This is quite a change of tone in the six movies of the "Svenska Stumfilmsklassiker" box. The tone of the film stays light and humorous and quite satirical. As Leo puts it: "I don't like plays with a tragic end. In this respect I agree with the cinema audience."
Torsten Hammarén
Professor Sidonius
Baron's friend (Bell Hedqvist)
Compared to American silent comedies this is a very restrained comedy, no slapstick here. The story has moments of subtle humour. It is surprising prototype of modern romantic comedy. The story of extramarital affairs has a quite risque "before the Hays Code atmosphere" with scandalously liberal view to marriage. The intertitle cards get a special mention as they have small pictures drawn on them. The goofball aspect is brought by Torsten Hammarén (who would play young Count Henrik in 1924 Gösta Berlings saga) who plays old absent-minded Professor Sidonius.
unfaithful with whom
Jag går hem till mam-ma.
Of the "Svenska Stumfilmsklassiker" box this is my least favourite. Not to say this is a bad film but compared to the rest of the movies in the collection this is left in their shade being the least epic, emotional and dramatic!
Baron takes Irene to flight
Cinematography by Henrik Jaenzon (brother of Julius) has some nice urban scenes and also some aviation scenes. This version is the 2005 Swedish Film Institute restored version with Matti Bye's soundtrack. 

Rating: Good 

Starring: Anders de Wahl, Tora Teje, Karin Molander, Elin Lagergren, Lars Hanson, Vilhelm Bryde, Bell Hedqvist, Torsten Hammarén, Vilhelm Berndtson, Stina Berg, John Lindlöf, Greta Lindgren, Carl Wallin, Gucken Cederborg, Tora Wibergh, Carina Ari, Martin Oscár, Fridolf Rhudin, Arthur Natorp, Gull Natorp Director: Mauritz Stiller


  1. Terve! Sinua kiusataan Liebster Blog Award -kysymyksillä osoitteessa :D

  2. Never seen it, gotta do something about it.


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