
Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Movie Review: A.P.E.X.

A.P.E.X. a.k.a Apex
Green Communications Inc., Republic Pictures, USA, 1994.
A.P.E.X title
In the year 2072 A.P.E.X. (= Advanced Prototype Exploration Unit) was created to explore time. Time paradoxes cause a time virus infection. To avoid epidemic from spreading sterilization units are sent to to destroy the point in time where paradox was detected.

Scientist Nicholas Sinclair (Richard Keats) has nightmares about his wife Natasha (Lisa Ann Russell) vanishing in time anomaly. In 2073 the scientists send A.P.E.X. unit 100 years back in time. In 1973 Hippie family wanders into the test area and creates a time paradox. To save the family Sinclair jumps into the time portal. Dr. Elgin (David Jean Thomas) and Johnson (Kristin Norton) vanish with the research facility because of the paradox. 
Richard Keats
Nicholas Sinclair
Lisa Ann Russell
Kristin Norton
When Sinclair returns the world is overrun by A.P.E.X. killer robots. A.P.E.X. robots are slow but deadly but they have one weak spot: their CD-player! Duke Nukem look-alike Shepherd (Mitchell Cox) recruits him into his squad of resistance fighters. By the way their Jeffries Automotive Landmaster personnel carrier looks quite cool:
Jeffries Automotive Landmaster
In the alternate future Sinclair finds out that the people he knew are totally different and also he does not know about himself either. Dr. Elgin is the leader of the resistance. Sinclair finds of that his wife is tough soldier who is infected with the time virus. Sinclair, Shepherd, Natasha, Rasheed (Adam Lawson) and Taylor (Marcus Aurelius) go to search for second laboratory equipped with time machine. They meet also hostile scavengers and a man living in the desert with his family (Brian Richard Peck).
David Jean Thomas
Dr. Elgin
Mitchell Cox
Adam Lawson and Marcus Aurelius
Rasheed and Taylor
"A.P.E.X." has Terminator-style time travelling and futuristic war against the machines made B-movie style. Phillip J. Roth is known for several low-budget so bad they are good scifi-movies, but for once this looks seriously made. For a low budget scifi it moderately entertaining, although the acting is cringeworthy bad at times. Also the midpoint of the movie feels quite lackluster as if they ran out of ideas.
Part of The 2016 Movie Watching Challenge (#40. Movie that is set in the future)

Rating: Average

Starring: Richard Keats, Mitchell Cox, Lisa Ann Russell, Marcus Aurelius, Adam Lawson, David Jean Thomas, Brian Richard Peck, Anna B. Choi, Kristin Norton, Jay Irwin , Robert Tossberg, Kathleen Randazzo, Kareem H. Captan , Merle Nicks, Natasha Roth, Suzi Mealing, J Bartell, Randy Kagan, Tony Gugliuzza, Jose Ontiveros, Richard Hench, Jeffre Phillips, Robert J. Marino, Gary Moran, Joe Zimmerman, Gordon Capps, Jack Barrett Phelan, Steven Michael, Todd James, Eric Gordon, Tom Fellon, Rich Kennedy, Ginger Marin, Marcia Swayze
Director: Phillip J. Roth 

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