
Friday, January 8, 2016

Movie Review: Gravity

Warner Bros., Esperanto Filmoj, Heyday Films, UK, USA, 2013.
Gravity title
Space shuttle crew is sent to upgrade Hubble-telescope. Dr. Ryan Stone (Sandra Bullock) is repaiding a data module. Missile hits a Russian satellite and causes cloud of space debris. Debris destroys the telescope sending Stone spinning into the space. Matt Kowalski (George Clooney) manages to bring her back but rest of the crew are killed.
Space shuttle before the accident
George Clooney
Matt Kowalski
The space shuttle is also destroyed so getting to the International Space Station is the only way to survive. Mr. Murphy has a great influence as everything that can go wrong, will go wrong. Kowalski sacrifices himself so Ryan arrives alone to the space station, but getting home is impossible as the landing shuttle is damaged. Stone is inexperienced astronaut so she would probably not land the space capsule safely even if it was working but the greater obstacle is that she has lost her will to live because her daughter died years ago. Can she overcome her losses and use her skills to survive?
Sandra Bullock
Dr. Ryan Stone
Surviving to the space station
"Gravity" offers a wild roller-coaster ride beautiful pictures of Earth from space. Filmed with minimalist cast,  wonderful Sandra Bullock carries the film with her emotional and physical role. During the film Stone grows from panicked rookie to Ripley-like survivor. George Clooney brings humour but acts also as tutor and spirit guide. Rest of the cast is heard only as voices in the radio. Voice of Ed Harris can be heard as Mission Control, being a nod towards another space disaster film "Apollo 13." The story is quite straightforward and simple but well presented and also some deeper meanings can be found. Both religious icons (Christian, Hindu and Buddhist) and evolution references are sprinkled throughout the film. The ending can be thought as a rebirth scene.

The effects are extremely well done and give the viewer the sensation of drifting in zero gravity. In space no sounds can be heard so even the destruction of large constructions is silent. The events seen through Stone's eyes look claustrophobic and add to the suspense. The cinematography is great with long continuous takes and tracking shots. "Gravity" won seven Oscars including Best Achievement in Directing and Best Cinematography.

DVD extras include short movie "Aningaaq" directed by Jonas Cuarón where Inuit fisherman (Orto Ignatiussen) receives Stone's emergency call from the space station. Also documentary about dangers of space debris "Collision Point: The Race to Clean Up Space" is included.

Let's make this part of The 2016 Movie Watching Challenge (#13. Movie that has won an Oscar)

Rating: Very good

Starring: Sandra Bullock, George Clooney, Ed Harris, Orto Ignatiussen, Phaldut Sharma, Amy Warren, Basher Savage, Adam Cozens
Director: Alfonso Cuarón


  1. One of the best movies ever (at least sci-fi-movies, in my opinion). Bullock is always magnificent. And Emmanuel Lubezki has to be the best cinematographer of his time. I wouldn't be surprised if he walked away with yet another Oscar this year for The Revenant.


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