
Thursday, January 28, 2016

Movie Review: The Magic of Belle Isle

The Magic of Belle Isle
Magnolia Pictures, Castle Rock Entertainment, Revelations Entertainment, Summer Magic, Firebrand Productions, Voltage Pictures, USA, 2012.
Wheel-chair bound cowboy-novel writer Monte Wildhorn (Morgan Freeman) suffers from from writer's block. For change of scenery, his nephew Henry (Kenan Thompson) rents a cabin for him from Belle Isle Village. As a part of the deal Monte must take care of the home owner's dog Ringo. Monte has lost his will to live after his wife's death and plans to spend whole summer drinking himself to death. However Monte finds other interests after meeting the neighbours. In the house next door lives single mother Charlotte O'Neil (Virginia Madsen) with her three daughters Willow (Madeline Carroll), Finn (Emma Fuhrmann) and Flora (Nicolette Pierini).
Morgan Freeman
Monte and his favourite drink, alcohol
Ringo the Dog
Madeline Carroll and Virginia Madsen
Finn and Charlotte
The second youngest daughter Finn has vivid imagination. She befriends Monte and wants to learn write stories. Monte meets also mentally handicapped Carl (Ash Christian) and his mother Karen (Jessica Hecht). Little by little Monte finds inspiration to write again. There is also a change for romance with Charlotte.
Jessica Hecht, Ash Christian and Morgan Freeman
Karen and Carl
Virginia Madsen, Nicolette Pierini, Morgan Freema, Emma Fuhrmannn and Madeline Carroll
O'Neil family dinner
"The Magic of Belle Isle" is a feel-good drama comedy with some eccentric characters. The story is quite traditional and predictable but so what as the story is warmly told. Basically the movie feels like well made TV-movie. Morgan Freeman's wryly humouristic remarks bring smile on the face. Virginia Madsen is likable in her role. Also the kid trio acted well and it is nice to see that they have gotten more roles afterwards.

Part of The 2016 Movie Watching Challenge (#41. Movie that has an elderly man as the main character)

Rating: Good

Starring: Morgan Freeman, Kenan Thompson, Virginia Madsen, Emma Fuhrmann, Madeline Carroll, Nicolette Pierini, C.J. Wilson, Ash Christian, Debargo Sanyal, Fred Willard, Jessica Hecht, Christopher McCann, Lucas Caleb Rooney, Kevin Pollak, Boyd Holbrook, Kevin, Tilly, Rosemary Howard, Johnny Serret
Director: Rob Reiner

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