
Saturday, May 21, 2016

Movie Review: 200 M.P.H.

200 M.P.H. a.k.a Fast Drive
The Asylum, USA, 2011. 
200 M.P.H. title
Tom Merchant (Tommy Nash) gets a job as manager and gets a cool sports car. He and his little brother Rick (Jaz Martin, British actor who has appeared in "Emmerdale") are also street racers. Rival racer and gangsta Kayce (Darren Anthony Thomas) challenges Tom. Tom accepts so that he can pay Rick's tuition fees if he wins. Tom crashes his car and dies. Kayce bribes the cops so he can't be accused. Rick wants revenge. Together with his friends Kelly (Hennely Jimenez), Albert (Jared Kahn) and Phong (Zedrick Restauro) he builds a custom MX-5 car that he plans to use to beat Kayce.
Jaz Martin and Tommy Nash
Rick and Tom
Darren Anthony Thomas
Zedrick Restauro and Jared Kahn
Phong and Albert
Officer Flynn (Paul Logan, TR-4 from "The Terminators") is not tolerant to illegal street racers. Well, at lest others than Kayce, as he is a dirty cop. Latino thug Domingo Juarez (Mack-b) helps Rick to add a nitro booster to the car but things do not go as planned.
Hennely Jimenez
AnnaMaria Demara
Paul Logan
As a curiosity Rick's girlfriend Claudia (AnnaMaria Demara) is a stripper and so is his mother Debbie (Janet Tracy Keijser). They even work in the same bar. Now is that awkward or what? Their presence gives a reason to add some dull drama.
Rick and Tom with their rides
Janet Tracy Keijser
This is The Asylum piggybacking "Fast and the Furious" series but with zero budget making a formulaic movie without the spectacularity of the big budget action films or the charismatic actors. The racing scenes in the beginning and the end are acceptable for the low budget but the CGI-effects are rubbish. Except for some rare cases the acting feels as if  the actors are reading their lines from the paper. Also the same driving scenes are copy-pasted over and over again.
CGI is laughable
This is not really recommendable even for the most hardcore car fanatics, except for purpose of racing movie drinking game. In IMDB car enthusiasts chewed the film apart for inaccuracies in car specs. As a bonus I present here Car Movie Bingo for your delight:
Car movie bingo
Still it is mind boggling how similar the plot of this film is to "Need for Speed" (2014).

Rating: Bad

Starring: Jaz Martin, Hennely Jimenez, AnnaMaria Demara, Darren Anthony Thomas, Zedrick Restauro, Jared Kahn, Paul Logan, Janet Tracy Keijser,Tommy Nash, Sam Aaron, Cleo Berry, Mack-b, Pason, Sean Cory Cooper, Meredith Thomas, Michael Gaglio, Jadarrel Belser, Damien Collins, Joe Dioletto, Leslie Gamero, David Dustin Kenyon, Justin Kleiman, Brian Koger, Omar Nazel, Patrick O'Keefe, Josue Zeta Rojas, Brandon Thomas, Chris Trouble Delfosse
Director: Cole S. McKay

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