
Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Movie Review: Gargoyle's Revenge

Gargoyle's Revenge a.k.a Gargoyle: Wings of Darkness a.k.a Gargoyle a.k.a Wings of Darkness a.k.a Gargoyles
Avrio Filmworks, Cinetel Films, Lions Gate Entertainment, Lions Gate Films, USA, Romania, 2004. 
Gargoyle's Revenge title
The third and final (for now) glimpse to the immense filmography of Jim Wynorski is not only an action thriller but good old monster horror.  Well,  'good' can be disputed. 

In 1532 Romania the villagers and a priest capture a terrible flying beast under a rock. In 2004 CIA agents Ty 'Griff' Griffin (Michael Paré) and Jennifer Wells (Sandra Hess) are rescuing kidnapped ambassador's son. The gargoyle abducts one of the kidnappers. We just went into the twilight Zone!
Michael Paré
Ty 'Griff' Griffin
Sandra Hess
Jennifer Wells
Meanwhile Dr. Christina Durant (Kate Orsini) is researching old murals. Fathers Soren (Fintan McKeown) and Bodesti (Petri Roega) arrive to discuss some church politics. Christina's assistants Richard (Jason Rohrer) and Gregor (Mihai Bisericanu) go to Castle Orlock(!) Unfortunately for them the gargoyle's nest happens to be there. The CIA agents have to search for them. Meanwhile the gargoyle causes ruckus in various tourist attractions. The police suspects Lex the Butcher (Tim Abell) who is a nightclub owner and leader of a vampire fan club.But Lex also knows more about the monster than he would like to.
Jason Rohrer and Kate Orsini
Richard and Christina
Fintan McKeown
Father Soren
Tim Abell and Jim Wynorski
Lex with Jim Wynorski in cameo role
Cheap, dull and uninspired flick that is neither scary or funny enough. It uses the formula of Generic Monster MovieTM. As the plot involves romantic tension between Ty and Christina it is hard to figure out what Jennifer is doing in the story. The Romanian locations are nice but the cinematography fails to make good use of it. The CGI-monsters could be worse but they're  not something to applaud for. Kudos for some pretty Romanian extras though.
Daniela Nane as Peasant Girl
Rating: Bad

Starring: Michael Paré, Sandra Hess, Fintan McKeown, Kate Orsini, Tim Abell, William Langlois, Petri Roega, Rene Rivera, Arthur Roberts, Jason Rohrer, Mihai Bisericanu, Bogdan Uritescu, Claudiu Trandafir, Cristi Groza, Lewis Cojocar, Jim Wynorski, Claudiu Istodor, Nataliya Zamilatska, Annie Cerillo, Daniela Nane, Roxana Baches, Alina Teodorescu, Alexandra Serb, Dan Fintescu, Alexandru Nicolae, Robert Barladeanu, Danut Masala, Stefan Ionita, Borcea Marian 
Director: Jim Wynorski (as Jay Andrews)


  1. No, ainakaan se ei ollut I Am Legend.

    1. Eipä ollunna. Mistä tulikin mieleen että Asylumilta on siihenkin mockbusteri "I Am Omega." Täytyypä katsoa jos sen löytäisi halvalla jostain.


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