
Friday, August 26, 2016

Movie Review: Resident Evil: Damnation

Resident Evil: Damnation a.k.a Biohazard: Damnation 
Capcom Company, Digital Frontier, Sony Pictures Entertainment, Japan, 2012. 
Resident Evil: Damnation title
In a former Soviet state civil war is raging (kind of foreshadoing the Ukraine crisis) and the rebels are using biological weapons. Zombies and mutant monsters are approaching the President's palace. Special Agent Leon S. Kennedy (Matthew Mercer) is recalled home but he decides to finish his mission without American support. After a fight with Licker-monster Leon finds himself captured by trio of rebels: America fan J.D. (Val Tasso), old coughing Ataman (Robin Sachs) and bitter rebel Alexander a.k.a Buddy (Dave Wittenberg).
J.D and Buddy
Mysterious thief Ada Wong (Courtenay Taylor) is also on her own mission. Her motives are always shady and this adventure doesn't really make them much clearer. Still she has liking to Leon and Leon gets also some unlikely allies that are helpful when fighting the ever more dangerous zombie mutants. Leon finds out that every faction of the civil war has dirty hands.
President Svetlana Belikova
Just another day in Eastern Europe
Ada Wong
Stand alone sequel to "Resident Evil: Degeneration" is the faithful continuation of "Resident Evil" games (somewhere between parts 5 and 6) that can not be said about the live-action films.  Okay, the first "Resident Evil" movie was good, but the series went downhill since. These computer generated RE animations are getting much better than the live-action films. Although they are not the best scifi-horror made in Japan, they still beat most of the video game adaptations. The story has a good combination of action, intrigue, horror and humour. Leon has some witty dialogue and one liners and the Japanese style adds some tragic aspect to some of the characters. The animation looks good with good character animation, backgrounds and impressive monsters. As a horror-action film it offers solid fun and it is a good video game movie too.
Rating: Good

Voice actors: Matthew Mercer, Dave Wittenberg, Wendee Lee, Val Tasso, Robin Sachs, Courtenay Taylor, Salli Saffioti, David Vincent, Patrick Seitz, Michael McConnohie, Patrick Harlan
Director: Makoto Kamiya


  1. Tätä en muistanutkaan olevan olemassa. Se aiempi, Degeneration minulla on tuolla hyllyssä, mutta en ole vielä katsonut. Minä tunnetusti en suuremmin pidä Resident Evil-elokuvista, joten se varmastikin osaltaan on lykännyt Degenerationin katsomista, vaikka se tuntuukin hölmöltä, kun eihän se ilmeisesti liity Paul W.S. Andersonin leffoihin millään tavalla.

    1. Näissä animaatioissakin on omat puutteensa (tietynlainen välivideomaisuus) mutta koska ne sijoittuvat suoraan pelien maailmaan niin ei tarvitse ainakaan epätarkkuuksien takia repiä hiuksia päästä. No en ole itsekkään kärryillä uusimmista RE peleistä, mutta tietääkseni niissä on aina ollut kyseessä jokin rajoitetun alueen bioasekriisi jota sitten poliisi tai agentti lähtee tutkimaan kun taas Millan elokuvissa lyötiin maailmanloppu pöytään jo alkuosissa.

    2. Nelonen on viimeinen Resident Evil, jonka pelasin läpi. Vitosta kokeilin hetken, mutta en jaksanut sitä loppuun asti pelailla.

    3. Mulla on 5 ja 6 pleikkarille, pitäisi testata joskus.


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