
Saturday, December 31, 2016

Movie Review: A Magic Christmas (2014)

A Magic Christmas (2014)
SP Distribution, Steven Paul Production, Magic Christmas Productions, USA, 2014.

Carter-family struggles always with money. Jack (C. Thomas Howell) and Holly (Lisa Sheridan) run a bakery. Jack wanted to be a writer but he never had time for that. Teen kids Sienna (Sadie Stahura) and Kyle (Dashiell Howell) are social media enthusiastics so the family is becoming disconnected. 
Lisa Sheridan and C. Thomas Howell
Holly and Jack
Holiday resort Farthering Pines is closing down, so Jack decides to take his family while there is still a chance to go there. Whole Christmas without Internet, isn't it fun kids?
Sadie Stahura and Dashiell Howell
Sienna & Kyle
Enthusiasm is written all over their face. 

Jack's old friend Robert Jones (Jonathan Silverman) visits the cabin with his wife Eva (Maeve Quinlan) and son Tommy (Darien Willardson). Robert is competitive and annoyingly successful in his life. They drive with snowmobiles and play Pictionary. But Jack suffers a writer's block because of his inferiority complex. But although the Joneses are rich money doesn't bring happiness. The Carters and Joneses challenge themselves to challenge: who will find the Magic Christmas tree?
 Maeve Quinlan and Jonathan Silverman
Eva & Robert
With her looks, Lisa Sheridan could be mistaken as Mary Steenburgen's daughter:
Lisa Sheridan Mary Steenburgen doppelgangers
Somehow there comes a slight feeling of Griswold-family's Vacation films, only the jokes and hijinks are replaced with drama. Family's dog Buster thinks with the voice of Burt Reynolds. It is light and harmless Christmas-entertainment, something that can be watched while waiting for Santa. The story is traditional but generally it is a nice little film with Christmas spirit.
Rating: Good

Starring: C. Thomas Howell, Jonathan Silverman, Burt Reynolds, Lisa Sheridan, Maeve Quinlan, Dashiell Howell, Sadie Stahura, Darien Willardson, Clara Susan Morey II, Bessie Thornton, Jamee Natella, Samuel Mason Paul
Director: R. Michael Givens

1 comment:

  1. Our family dialed up this movie while sheltering in place at home. It was an enjoyable watch. I totally agree with your Lisa Sheridan/Mary Steenburgen comment; we thought this WAS Mary Steenburgen for the first several minutes of the movie!


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