Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Movie Review: Action Man: X Missions

Action Man: X Missions a.k.a Action Man The Movie
Hasbro Entertainment, Reel FX Creative Studios, USA, UK, 2005.
Action Man: X Missions title

Dr. X is back and in better condition than he was in the end of the last film thanks to latest technology. Still he haven't made a new face for No Face (a running joke in these films). People and zoo animals are being kidnapped all over the world. Dr. X, No Face and Professor Gangrene are combining humans with animal DNA and creating Toxic Troopers. Action Force has to save the world again.
Action Man
Red Hawk and Flynt
Prof. Gangrene looks like Admiral Ackbar. 
International Scientific Defence Chief Sir Arthur Strong is kidnapped and Second in Command Mr W. doesn't believe Action Man when he says that Dr. X is still alive. Not before the robots knock knock knock on the heavy door.
Dr. X
Cuts, slices and dices.
Don't tase me, bro
Robots are no match for the heroes but Toxic Troopers are harder as they are mutated from innocent people so they can not be killed. Sir Arthur's agent daughter Rebel comes to support the heroes. Together they travel in exotic locations searching for secret bases and clues on how to change the Toxic Troopers back to normal.

Expectations were not high after the previous film, but X Missions gave some positive surprises. The production values are higher compared to the previous film with better looking animation and better music. Never mind the next picture.
Actually the animation level is mainly nice but some scenes look like they run out of money or time so there is some unevenness. The action scenes are better and there is more humour. Maybe the makers understood that Action Man as a hero is quite generic, so they made the villains interesting and fun. Dr. Gangrene is quite a character and No Face and Dr X pull their own crazy show.
Group hug!
It is more entertaining than the prequel with light-Bond style story. The story has been recycled from another Dale Carman animation "G.I. Joe: Valor vs. Venom" but why change a working script. The third movie of the Action Man trilogy was made but released only in Mexico so I don't have it.

Rating: Good

Voice actors: Oliver Milburn, Jonas Stuart, Brian Drummond, Steven Berkoff, Sam Vincent, Scott McNeil, Tabitha St. Germain, Gerard Plunkett, Ron Halder, Brian Dobson, Lee Tockar, Ashleigh Ball
Directors: Dale Carman, Keith Lango

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